To the Niubiswap Community,
As another week has gone by, we are happy to start off by saying that the Nezer BNB airdrop to those who were affected by the Nezer situation is in process. Users who were affected by the failed INO with Nezer will receive BNB as compensation for what they lost. As always we are extremely thankful for your patience as we came up with the best way to address this situation and solve it in an efficient manner that helps everyone.
Marketing is also something that has been a top priority for us here at Niubiswap, and we have some more things in the works for July that will help build hype and bring more users to the Niubiswap ecosystem. The new marketing initiative is being finalized as of this writing, and we will release more information in due time.
As we continue to build through July and bring more fun and exciting use cases and solutions to our network, please join us in the community chat and discuss all thing NIU and DeFi in general!
Thank you and enjoy your week,
The Niubiswap Team